Russian & Indian Pharmaceutical




700 pax

From Russia & India

The Challenge

To rotate 700 pax through 23 Meeting Rooms over an 8-day Conference, with 4 different setups per meeting room per day! With a maximum of 20 minutes for Equipment and Setup turnaround, happening 4 times a day, our biggest concerns were that the rooms would not be ready in time for the next session and that we would not have enough time to test the equipment properly after each setup.

The Solution

We rehearsed and rehearsed and rehearsed. Practice makes perfect after all. With a team of highly trained technicians and super flexible Hotel staff, we practiced turning each setup around prior to the start of the Conference. Like choreographing a dance, each person had to know exactly where to stand and exactly what step came next in the sequence. Using our trusty stopwatch, we slowly got our time down until we were 5 minutes under the deadline for each room.

The Result

A few sessions ran a little late, so our 5 minutes buffer was hugely useful! But we can honestly say that each and every setup was ready on time and working perfectly.

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Request - ESP
Request Type