
An insight from industry insiders. Read all about it from us!

Malta at IMEX 2022

We are exhibiting!

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Covid-19 Travel Updates

The information below is provided by The Malta Tourism Authority (MTA), please contact the helpline by phoning on +356 21692447 or sending an email to <span data-original-string="pTDzCtjHIhQ0GMhAZapH7iod/bl6zqBzZndBwz4htqTsokf4AC+b9lyR428CvlbU" class="apbct-email-encoder" title="This contact has been encoded by Anti-Spam by CleanTalk. Click to decode. To finish the decoding make sure that JavaScript is enabled in your browser.">to*********************@vi********.com</span> for more information.

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What’s new in Malta: The Brewhouse

You can host different corporate and leisure events in this finest 20th Century industrial building transformed into a vibrant mixed-use development.

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